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export with custom scales for different projects
My situation is like this:
I have lots of characters and they don't share the same export scale. e.g. 50%, 75%, 100% While "Pack Setting" page allow me to set different export scale, It is not good enough for the work flow. It takes more time to generate all scales and I only need one. Every time I exported, I have to manually go to the folder and delete those I don't need. Otherwise Unity will detect and process those new files which will further slow things down.
Ideal case:
I set a scale to a project instead of to the application. Each project export with their own scale setting.
So that I can just press and export button to update file to the game without further delete file action.
What I am asking is something like adding a check box "Override/Custom Pack Setting" to save the pack settings to current project instead of sharing between projects.
Hi fantasyz, if I understood correctly:
- you have multiple Spine files
- the Spine files are grouped together and refer to the same image folder
- you saved some packing settings
- the packing settings cause the images to be saved in different sizes everytime
- the export folder is located inside your unity project
Is this all correct?
Are you also adding art to each of these projects that make you re-export the atlases so many times?
If the answer is no you could avoid exporting the atlas files and just update the json/skel file.
fantasyz yazdıI set a scale to a project instead of to the application.
By project do you mean the Spine file? the skeleton if you have multiple skeletons in the same Spine file? By application do you mean Unity?
fantasyz yazdıEach project export with their own scale setting.
So that I can just press and export button to update file to the game without further delete file action.
If you make a copy of the project and change the pack settings to match with what you need, you can do it.
Are you using texture packer to pack your files or just the standard export?
Yes. I have multiple Spine projects files. They do not refer to the same image folder.
Yes. I have some packing setting requirement for different projects. e.g. some characters use 75%, 100%, scene use 50%. something like that.
The problem is that current packing setting is shared between projects. If I change one, it will affect all other in unrelated projects.
Yes. The export folder is located inside my unity project because I am lazy.
If the answer is no you could avoid exporting the atlas files and just update the json/skel file.
Do you mean I just uncheck the "create atlast" option and it will only update the animation? Sounds like a good idea! Didn't realize I can do this. Thanks.
But still, it is better to have project remember my export scale in case I need to update the sprites and recreate the spritesheet.
When handling different projects, I generally need to export with different scale. "Set it once and forget it" is still a better approach in my opinion.
Don't you think export scale should be a project setting instead of application setting?
Are you also exporting the settings for each project? (the packing settings)
As in the last post here: Separated atlas for each skin
I think this is a good solution as you can set different settings per folder.
Oh. Just read that last post.I guess this will do.