• Editor
  • Tutorials or ideas on how to get the cleanest transparency?

So I wanted to animate of animated emotes for discord and line using spine, but one issue is explorting gifs with transparency.

They either come out with flashes which is annoying but I just keep swapping colors until they stop.
They end up with a thick pixelated looking border of whichever color you select.

I am wondering if I am exporting things wrong, or is there a better way of export gifs with transparency?

Maybe the problem isn't even exporting from spine, maybe there is another software that I could use to convert into a cleaner gif.

Any ideas are welcome, Thanks!

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I never tried to export my animations in gif but now that i used it I faced the same problem ....
If nothing works you can always export your animations into a png sequence and convert them through some different software .... I would recommend Adobe Premiere

I agree about the png sequence and then editing in photoshop or after effects 😃
You'll still get the ugly white border if you didn't work in pixel art or have some alpha near the border, and that is unavoidable in gifs afaik.
You could also try to make the border deliberate and nicer, even though still pixelated.

and it would be great if there is an option to set the export scale of GIF like atlas setting because my source images are most of the time high-def and people usually want GIF to be smaller.

hmm ok I'll take those ideas into practice. Thanks!!

fantasyz yazdı

and it would be great if there is an option to set the export scale of GIF like atlas setting because my source images are most of the time high-def and people usually want GIF to be smaller.

I had this same question and got a brilliant answer here - just downscale the root bone, do the export, undo the scaling 😉


Here's how I do it:

  1. Export the animation as MOV, choose bg colour either R/G/B/Yellow, or any colour that has the most contrast.
  2. Open the MOV in Photoshop CC (depends on the memory and processor, could take sometime).
  3. Create actions to delete the BG (select colour range, delete, move to the next frame, repeat).
  4. (Optional) reduce frame rate.
  5. Save for web, choose whichever GIF export settings that matches your preferences. You can change the resolution here too. Make sure to choose repeat forever.
  6. GIF is ready.

Hope this helps.



you can also export the animation having a green screen at the back and key it in adobe premier or adobe after effects ( i would prefer after effects as it has better options for green screen removal )......but if you don't know these software i would recommend you to use adobe premiere as it is easier to learn compared to after effects .... its better to know these softwares as they come handy occasionally if you are working with multimedia stuff

There's no need to do any keying or color removal if you're already using external software to save the final thing.

Just export as PNG sequences with transparency. Aftereffects and Photoshop can import those as animations just fine.