- Düzenlendi
[suggestion] shortcut to select locked items
- Düzenlendi
Sometime I will have bones set to non-selectable for clarity.
However, occasionally I may need to revisit those bones and want them to be interactable temporarily.
e.g. Want to add Transform Constraint later on or other operation that need to select bones temporarily.
My suggestion is to have a shortcut key for quick access to those locked items.
For example, when holding down [Alt] key, bones (or attachments) will have the alternate state:
Item with "Select" unchecked will became selectable and
Item with "Select" checked will became unselectable.
The state is flipped temporary and will be restored once [Alt] is no longer pressing down.
This would allow users to select what was set to unselectable quickly without too much effort.
Otherwise, in current implementation, I need to find that bones in hierarchy and check their Select checkbox then do the work and finally uncheck the Select checkbox again, which is quite lot of work compared to just holding down a key.
You can store your group of non selected bones.
checkout "Selection groups" topic from the link
- Düzenlendi
No no no. That is totally different.
Selection group not only require user to know early that they will be revisiting a bone later. It also require extra effort to use. My suggestion is to just hold down a key and use a locked bone as usual. No setup. No remembering. It is a much straight forward way to do the work.
hmmm ..... that sounds great ......
Shiv is right, you should learn to use selection groups, they're very useful (:
Besides, if you need to make unselectable many bones "for clarity" you should also consider changing the colors, icons and alpha of the bones, and if it's still not enough, then you're likely adding too many bones to your skeleton, look to simplify instead. Half the time you can do more with less, especially if your target is to create videogames.
Err... Have you read my second response?
I already explained selection group is not useful in the situation.
Selection group is actually barely working. IMO, it lacks lots of things. It only remember the selections and not even have visualization about the selections and there are lot more could be done based on the grouping idea. Selection group is not the focus, please stop discussing selection group here...
About those change color, icons, alpha suggestion, I think you should not suggest people to do more to work around a problem when they are actually suggesting you a more simple and easy way to improve a task. I am not seeking help but making an improvement suggestion.I do make use of bone color and icons to have things look better but this is not the focus of this topic. The focus should be on "making unselected ( or even hidden) bone selection easier" and my suggestion is to hold down a shortcut key to toggle their state and make them temporarily interactable. You task is as simple as comparing the suggestion with current situation, check the pros and cons and finally decide to add to the idea list or not.
My skeletons have many bone because I am dealing with complicated characters. Please don't assume people are doing thing wrong because they have too many bones in the skeleton...
I've rigged some complicated skeletons in the past. Every bone was necessary and it was a real pain to handle. This was even before we could make bones unselectable.
FWIW, I think fantasyz problem makes sense to address properly.
And the idea for the solution is tangentially like shy layers in AE. Essentially, it gives two visibility/selection tiers. The most used things and the not-so-used things.
It's sorta crazy to give every bone equal importance when trying to animate. But splitting them up into handle-freely bones and i-have-to-dig-these-out-of-the-tree-to-change-them bones is kinda rough. This may mean that— at least at the moment— unchecking the "select" checkbox is not a good solution for grouping bones of unequal importance if the less important bones are scattered and are still bones you need to animate.
I think the Layer system idea Shiu or Nate discussed a while back plays into this. But it sucks to have to wait for that implementation though.
Unity has a similar problem making it hard for the user to scale up complexity (without having to code a mess of extra editor tools) and they're only beginning to address it 'cause the systems underlying it have been kinda prone to break people's stuff if you change it.
I like the idea of holding a key to alter some state. Could be really useful for the Select