- Düzenlendi
I WANT SPINE to have these features! PLEASE :(
1) Im 2d Animator work on AE ( After Effect ), I use Joystick 'n Slider and it so Easy to work 2d character. I have find this on Spine, but it doesn't, otherwise, Creature Animation has it.
So i want SPINE has Controller, ( like Joystick, slider like Creature animation)
2) Creature Animation has Auto Mesh, so i want Spine need it!
3) Autosway, make wind animate is realest=> animate hair, tail, cloth, ... Creature Animation has this, Sad
4) Tip to use Key, Ex: I used this SPINE and found it difficult to approach, sometimes I forget some operations although it is very basic
Hi Trung,
I'll try to answer what I can (:
there's an even better system than that if you want to control the system tridimensionality of a character, it just requires two bones, a transform constraint, and weighting the meshes correctly. You can find an example of that (and the explanation of how to do it) here: Twitch: Rigging in Spine Pt. 1 - YouTube
We also have Alpha in the animations that allows you to control how much an expression/a direction is applied to your character at runtime. You can't key it in a Spine animation but it's really nice to use programmatically. (you can find the alpha setting in the Preview panel, next to the animation tracks, as well as in the Skeleton Viewer application)If you press "Generate" while creating your mesh, Spine will automatically add points to it. I still think the best meshes are achieved with the fewest points possible, and placed by hand. Meshes - Spine User Guide: Generate
That would require baking the animation, it was already discussed in other topics, you can read why it's not feasable here: Spine v3.. this look a good feature to implement
Fortunately secondary motion is not so difficult to achieve in Spine (: for example you can first get all the bones of a chain into a direction, then offset them one after the other. Dopesheet - Spine User Guide: Key OffsetIf you press F1 Spine will display instant tooltips for whatever your mouse is hovering, the tooltips include Hotkeys suggestions. You can also find a cheat sheet at this link: Spine: Cheat Sheet
and if you open your hotkeys file, you'll find more!
It's normal to forget some things when you're just beginning (: Did you already see the training videos? Spine User Guide - Getting Started - YouTube I found them very useful to understand the program when I was learning it. The user guide is a great resource too: Spine User Guide