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  • Random ninja stuff

Been working on and off on assets for a small game. Unfortunately haven't had much time yet, but took a quick 30 minutes in Spine and created this small walk animation to test how well the images would hold up before I start coloring. I present to you, the Ninja Hamster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ppw744g ... e=youtu.be

I'll keep this thread updated with progress on it 🙂

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  • Düzenlendi

Ninja... Hamster o.O just awesome @-@

Can't see the video now, but I will when I go back to home, a game with a hamster (and ninja) can't go wrong xD.

Really cool. I love the sense of weight and momentum you got with this character.

5 ay sonra

Hi Shiu, as we learn how to animate with Spine, where can we find these samples?
It will really help speed up the learning curve.

I especially like the ninja in the 'Spine Artist Workshop' movie. Thanks.