- Düzenlendi
Game Maker Studio 2 Animation Display Error
Hello Everyone,
Ive been using spine for some time and just recently started learning about Game Maker Studio 2. I imported an animation to just test things out and everything appeared fine. The image looked about right in the preview screen besides some slight pixelation. I went ahead and messed around with some of the frame rate and tested the project. Everything still appeared normal.
But I wanted to fix the outlines on the pieces of the hero and based on my previous experience this is usually due to premultiply alpha being selected.
So I went back into spine and changed the export settings so pre-multiply alpha was not selected. I then exported it. I then deleted the "sprite" in game maker and then imported the new one. This time the pixelation was gone and the image was much crisper in the preview window. However when I ran the project I saw that the images were all messed up.
Ive been messing around with the export settings in spine for an hour and cannot figure out what ive done wrong. Ive changed the spine version to an older one and nothing appears to be working.
I would really appreciate it if one of you could let me know what mistake I may be making. Im guessing it something in the export settings but I cant seem to figure it out.
Here is what I have set currently.
Sorry for double posting. I spent some time exploring the settings a bit more and it seems you need to have power of two checked. So hopefully if your having trouble like I was then this will help you sort it out a little faster then I did.
Here are the settings im currently using and everything seems to be in working order!
Glad you figured it out! YoYo Games has their own Spine integration, which I believe is compatible with Spine 3.5. If you run into any problems with the runtime, please report the issue both here and on YoYo Games forums!