• Editor
  • Selective animation speed

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I am writing in connection with an a problem I met with animations. I had to do an animation with several layers like clouds, people etc. On the clouds animation, clouds have to move slovely so I gave them a lot of more frames (4000) to move from point A to B. On the another animation where I have smaller, fast moving elements I did animation in the 60 frames to be fine.
Now a problem is that programmers cant put animations separately, both as an separated animations or skeletons.
Cause of this I am trying to find a way to make slow moving clounds with fast moving objects in the one animation which they need. The easiest way for me is just to copy 60 frames, fast moving objects's animation to fill the 4000 frames cloud animation but it hurts me and my PC :V
Do you have any idea how could I do slow moving clouds and fast moving objects in the one animation without 78329748392490859 key frames ? :V

By the way and not really connected with my problem. Is there a possibility to make 100 frames animation and export it slowed by 90% ? As I know playback settings are not exported outsite.

Best regards,

This is the only part of your post that explained your actual problem:

Now a problem is that programmers cant put animations separately, both as an separated animations or skeletons.

Why can't they play the animations separately?

We don't currently have a way to repeat a part of an animation without copying the keys many times. I suggest using separate animations.

Wedrownik yazdı

Is there a possibility to make 100 frames animation and export it slowed by 90% ?


TrackEntry entry = state.setAnimation(0, "clouds", true);

Hi Wedrownik, you can have animations with different duration played at the same time
Just ask your programmer to set the animations to be played on different track index:

state.setAnimation(0, "clouds", true); // use track 0
state.setAnimation(1, "windmill", true); // use track 1
state.setAnimation(2, "campfire", true); // use track 2

Those animations will be played simultaneously on different tracks.
I just did so with my world map some days ago.

The only issue with multi duration animations is that it is not easy to preview all animations together in Spine Editor.
I hope there is a shortcut in Spine for this kind of preview. e.g. something like selecting multiple animations then auto play them on different tracks on the preview panel.

fantasyz yazdı

The only issue with multi duration animations is that it is not easy to preview all animations together in Spine Editor.

One thing you can do is set the speed to zero in Preview, set your animations on one or more tracks, then set the speed (or hit the speed reset button to go back to 100%). We do have plans to improve the preview view though, eg to define and store sequences of animations so setting them up for testing is easier.