The mesh data is saved in the Spine skeleton data JSON or binary export formats. You can see the format specifications here:
メッシュデータは、SpineスケルトンデータのJSON形式またはバイナリエクスポート形式で保存されます。 あなたはここでフォーマット仕様を見ることができます:
Spine: JSON export format: Attachments
Spine: Binary export format: Skin format (and Spine: Binary export format: Vertices format)
You don't need to parse the data yourself though, you can use the Spine Runtimes to read it.
データを自分で解析する必要はありませんが、Spine Runtimesを使用して読み取ることができます。
You can find sample exports in the Spine or Spine trial installation folder and also here:
spine-runtimes/examples at 3.7
Descriptions of how each project is rigged (and a download link for each) can be found here:
Spine: Example Projects
This can be very helpful to learn rigging techniques!