Hey there,
Currently exploring the use of Spine as our 2D skeletal animation solution in combination with 2DToolkit/Unity. Really enjoying using the tools overall! However, questions abound, as the documentation is somewhat thin.
We're looking at creating skins for a subtype of a character type, so we can have a great deal of variety in our characters at very low cost.
Our game features insects, so let's say we want to author one set of animations to be applied to N different sub-types of hornet.
We author the art for multiple hornet types in photoshop layers, export the layers (trimmed), and have them ready to pull into Spine.
The skeleton has been rigged for the 'standard' type of Hornet. Time to create a new skin for the 'alternate' type of Hornet.
I create two skins: "standard" and "alternate"
Now, for each socket in the already-rigged skeleton, I have to go add a "New Skin Attachment". With the 'standard' skin selected, I drag each of the previously socketed images into the skin attachment.
I switch over to the "alternate" skin and all those pieces from the "standard" skin are missing. Well, that's kind of annoying, because I have no frame of reference for positioning pieces of the skeleton (except for the bones, which aren't all that useful since I want everything to line up exactly).
Now I have to place every image from the "alternate" skin individually and manually re-align every piece of the skeleton, since bringing them into the hierarchy instantiates them at 0,0 for some reason.
Perhaps I'm approaching the workflow incorrectly and could use some pointers on how better to approach this, but it seems there are a few things that might make this situation better:
- Shouldn't instantiating an image into a socket automatically set the translation/rotation/scale of the image to match the settings of the existing image in that socket? Instead it's putting everything at 0,0 but with a seemingly random rotation.
- It'd be super nice if you could copy/paste the transform of a node in the hierarchy, and would accelerate this process a lot. As is, I have to manually copy values from one skin to the other, which is basically just impossibly slow (and error-prone) busywork.
- Isn't a very common use case for skins total replacement of every image in the skeleton? What if there was a way to auto-skin
say you had your images in 5 sub-directories with the same filenames? Then add a "create skin from directory" button, allow me to choose my directory, name my skin, and voila, auto-generate all the necessary skin attachments, move the new image references to the corresponding attachments at the same transform locations.. DONE. (I realize as I say this that I can't have all my source images named exactly the same thing due to conflicts in the texture atlas, but the point is that this entire process should be automatable, and instead is a lot of manual drudge-work)
Thanks again for a fun and useful tool, I hope we end up being able to use it for our next game!