Hello. Completely new here in the forum. I'm thinking about using spine for my animations for unity. I want the game to be on Android and IOS devices but have one concern. Spine has a thing called meshes and deformation and would like to use meshes instead of deformation. Is it any way possible to export my Spine mesh animations to unity for IOS and Android?
300 is a very big hassle
Using Spine animations for Unity
- Düzenlendi
Hello and welcome to Spine!
Spine has a thing called meshes and deformation and would like to use meshes instead of deformation.
I am not sure I understood your question correctly, so please ask again if the answer does not make any sense to you.
What Spine does is start with meshes and either deform these meshes via bone transformations or additionally via free-form deformation. If you do not want any free-form deformation, then you can simply use only bone-based skeletal animation.
Is it any way possible to export my Spine mesh animations to unity for IOS and Android?
Assets exported from Spine can be used for any platform, thus also including iOS and Android.
300 is a very big hassle
What do you mean by this line?
From assets they have deforming and meshing. Works really good with my android but not sure about IOS. Within meshes and deformation, I wanted to make sure IF they work on IOS using unity. As for 300, thats alot is what I meant. 300 bucks is kind of steep for something that may not work
From assets they have deforming and meshing.
What do you mean by "deforming and meshing"? Do you mean vertex animation (which is rather rare), or bone-based skeletal animation? Note that Unity's bone-based animation is performed on the GPU for typical 3D meshes, whereas Spine uses software skinning (on the CPU side) to support the multitude of features efficiently.
You can download a trial version of Spine here:
Spine: Trial Download
Note that you can also download the spine-unity runtime free of charge for evaluation purposes:
Spine Unity Download