• Editor
  • Key Dopesheet doesn't work here :(

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but when I press Ctrl + Shift + L no keys are made based on my model pose, I have already checked the Hotkeys file and the shortcut is there.

The Ctrl + L shortcut is working, only the dopesheet one is not.

Am I skipping something? Even selecting or unselecting all bones, mouse over the dopesheet, turning auto key on/off, nothing seems to make this shortcut to work.

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What version of Spine are you using? If you press ctrl + shift + K it'll turn on hotkey popups, then when you using Key Dopesheet ctrl + shift + L, do you see the popup? It looks like this:

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Hello, CTRL+SHIFT+L Keys all keyed dopesheet items, meaning that it creates a key on the current frame only for the bones that already have a timeline, that is to say, at least a key on another frame. If you're on Mac, replace CTRL with CMD.

Maybe you were attempting to key a brand new pose with no prior keys present?

I'm using the 3.7.94 Professional version
Here I made a video showing what I'm doing... better to explain, sorry for the bad english... I was a bit nervous lol

Thanks for the video! Huh, that's super strange. It looks like you are doing everything right. I can't see your keyboard, but I assume you are pressing ctrl + shift + L. 🙂 I recreated your view layout using 3.7.94 on Windows 10 and when I press ctrl + shift + L I see the hotkey popup and the keys are created in the dopesheet:

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The only logic the hotkey has to not do anything is if you are playing an animation in the dopesheet (playing in the preview is fine), but I can see you aren't playing in the dopesheet. I can't see any other reason for the hotkey to not trigger unless there is some problem with Spine receiving the keystrokes.

I see you are on Windows. Is it Windows 10? Are you using a QWERTY keyboard layout or something else?

this is not a new problem for me, it happened in later versions too... I think I tried to use this hotkey 4 or 5 months ago and it didn't work at that time, I just noted that something was wrong when my friend mangojambo posted asking how to key all bones in the dopesheet and the hotkey worked for him.

Yes, I'm using Windows 10 Pro with a QWERTY keyboard

oh, and I tried to save another shortcut for this hotket but it didn't work too.

Exactly same happens for me for ages, I simply gave up long ago. This one hotkey is not working, even if I set a different combination in the config file. This is true for any version of Spine I've used. Win 10 Pro (licenced), English version.

ok... so far I got a little update for my problem, maybe it should help:

  • I turned my computer on and uninstalled spine
  • Downloaded a new SpineSetup.exe from the license page
  • Installed Spine
  • When the instalation finished the Spineboy project was open and spine was running with PT-BR interface
  • The hotkey WORKED (yay)
  • I opened a character from the project that I'm actually working and the hotkey still worked

BUT when...

  • I changed the interface to English - US
  • I put back my layout on animation mode
  • Hotkey STOPPED working

now I tried the following:

  • uninstalling and reinstalling again
  • uninstalling, downloading the installer again, installing
  • uninstalling, restarting computer, installing, restarting computer
  • uninstalling, restarting computer, installing, restarting, closing razer synapse + slack or any other program
  • changing to an older version

none of these made this hotkey work again, even in PT - BR now.

when I uninstall spine it doesn't disappears from Apps & Features's list, when I try to uninstall again the program says that it's already uninstalled and asks me if I want to remove it from the list ( I didn't see if in the first time that I was uninstalled it was removed)
I tried to search in registry if theres anything left from spine when I uninstall and I just found some spine backup files information.
The Spine folder is entirely removed from my files and programs folder, so I don't know what made it work and stopping to work...

maybe this helps in any way.

It's pretty insane that you saw it working, then after not taking any actions that should affect the hotkey, it stops working and never works again. :o

Registry values and actions like reinstalling, rebooting, etc really should not affect the hotkey.
FWIW, to reset your Spine settings like a new install, you could delete the prefs.json file (and other .json files) here:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/

I suppose it's possible that some other software could be registering the ctrl + shift + L hotkey, though you'd expect that software to do something when you press the hotkey, not just eat it and do nothing. Eg, on Windows you can set a hotkey on shortcuts in your start menu (right click a shortcut, Properties, Shortcut tab, Shortcut key field). When you press the hotkey, the shortcut is opened. Could it be you guys have one of these shortcut hotkeys set to ctrl + shift + L? If you have it set for Spine or some other program that is running (maybe in the system tray), then the hotkey won't open a new instance of the program, it'll just focus the existing window (or maybe do nothing for a program in the system tray). I've noticed the Windows shortcut hotkeys sometimes stop working, eg when two shortcuts have the same hotkey. Sometimes a reboot fixes that, which might explain why you saw it working for a little while. Unfortunately I don't know of a way to see all the Windows shortcut hotkeys at once. Checking the properties of every shortcut in your start menu is unreasonable!

You say the Key Dopesheet hotkey doesn't work even if set to a different hotkey? Is that true for you too, booboogaga? What if you set some other action to ctrl + shift + L? If that works they we can eliminate Windows shortcut hotkeys, other software interfering, keyboard event handling, and the triggering of hotkey actions, in which case it must be something for this particular hotkey action. However, this action is so very simple I'm unable to see how it could fail to happen when triggered. The conditions to NOT apply the Key Dopesheet action are:

  • If we are in setup mode (obviously from your screenshots you are in animate mode).
  • If the play forward or play backward buttons are active (ie the buttons are blue, which they are not in your screenshot).
  • If we are doing a key Offset. This is the only condition that seems to have any chance of causing the problem. It should only be true during the dragging of keys with Offset enabled. Maaaybe it's possible for this to get stuck as true after you use Offset, but if you start Spine and never enable Offset or even touch down on a key, then it is almost certainly false.
    That is all: if those conditions are all false, it does the action and you should see the hotkey popup when those are enabled (ctrl + shift + K).

I found an article in microsoft's support page listing all the shortcuts used by windows and theres no ctrl + shift + L shortcut:


And I searched in my radeon software and another softwares that is commonly open and active in my system tray and none have this shortcut too.

I deleted the prefs.json, recent.json and views.json and it didn't make it work.

I opened a spine file and never enabled offset, nothing.

I guess I should just accept my fate hahahah


You can set your own hotkeys on your shortcuts, though I'm guessing you haven't.

You say the Key Dopesheet hotkey doesn't work even if set to a different hotkey? What if you set some other action to ctrl + shift + L? Unbind the Key Dopesheet hotkey (set it to blank) and then give a different action the ctrl + shift + L hotkey. After restarting Spine, does that other action trigger when you press ctrl + shift + L?

ooohhh... I changed the order of key selected with key dopesheet, like this:

key selected: ctrl + shift + L
key dopesheet: ctrl + L

and now key dopesheet works and key selected doesn't.

I'll leave it like this, but it's odd... seems that the problem is the hotkey not the feature Oo

Hey Nate!

I was sure the hotkey didn't work even if set to a different key, however, this time I set it to a different key -> restarted spine -> it works fine (also the ctrl+shift+K helped troubleshooting).
I've now set things up like Linyel here key selected: ctrl + shift + L, key dopesheet: ctrl + L. Ctrl+Shift+L still does nothing, but I don't use key selected that much so that's okay.
You're probably right about something in windows 'using' the ctrl+shift+L for something, but I was unable to find what exactly (nothing obvious happens when I press it in any program that's usually running).
Anyway, problem solved (kinda).
Thanks 😉

just set Key Selected to shift+L and Key Dopesheet to ctrl+L and can use both :nerd:

If I swap back mine ctrl + shift + L still doesnt work, but thats ok.

Wow, so it seems that something is preventing ctrl + shift + L from reaching Spine. I wish we knew what it is! It's not good that we can't trust hotkeys to work. I wonder if other hotkeys have this issue? At any rate, I'm glad it is working after you change the action to different keystrokes! Sorry for all the trouble.