• Unity
  • What's the right way to use skin bones?

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Hi we're trying the 3.8 feature Skin Bones.
Some bones are only under one particular Skin
(For example :braid skin with its bones, cloak skin with its bones).

It looks fine if they are pinned in SpineEditor Skin View.
However when I try to combine them in Unity neither Skin.Append nor Skin.AddAttachments works.
(Only a few parts of attachments are visible)
So I'm not sure what's the best way to reproduce them.

Thanks for any advice

First, you need to make sure to use the latest 3.8-beta runtimes from our GitHub repo or the corresponding Unity package from our website. This includes the spine-csharp runtime, where the Skin API has received some necessary changes.

To combine multiple skins, including the skin bones and constraints, you need to use Skin.AddSkin(). spine-runtimes/Skin.cs at 3.8-beta

badlogic yazdı

First, you need to make sure to use the latest 3.8-beta runtimes from our GitHub repo or the corresponding Unity package from our website. This includes the spine-csharp runtime, where the Skin API has received some necessary changes.

To combine multiple skins, including the skin bones and constraints, you need to use Skin.AddSkin(). spine-runtimes/Skin.cs at 3.8-beta

Thanks badlogic! I didn't notice this method.Now it works 😃