- Düzenlendi
Sprite Attacher Sprites Only Half Render
For some reason using the newer spine packages I am finding my sprites only half render when using the sprite attacher like this:
Do you know what might be causing this and how to fix it?
I will also note this is happening in the Mix and Match Equip scene as well
We are sorry for the troubles. Unfortunately we could not reproduce the issue. Are you sure that you are using a clean unmodified version of the spine-unity runtime? Does this happen as well when you create a new empty Unity project and add the spine-unity package to it?
The spine version is unmodified. With a new project it does work fine. I will continue to investigate.
I am finding this warning
[Warning] SendMessage cannot be called during Awake, CheckConsistency, or OnValidate
In the SkeletonRenderer
Here is a snapshot of the callstack:
Although I dont see this warning in my project when I run into the bug. This only happens in the example scenes.
If theres any way to get more insight or help on this I will do anything to accommodate, I am really stuck here :/
As a side note, if I drag the sprite into the scene it works fine. It seems to be something with the attachment and re-render that causes the bug
The shader being used is the Sprites/Default and the texture format is RGBA32.
This was working up until a few days ago so somewhere between updating Unity and spine this broke.
It seems to render the bottom left quarter of the image but then the other 75% it doesn't render. I have been snooping in the AtlasUtilities and suspect something is going on here where the copy texture logic occurs.
I have a slightly modified sprite attacher script, but there is also the default sprite attacher script so if there was a problem with just my sprite attacher I would assume the examples would be unaffected as they have different name spaces.
To be clear the only thing thats changed has been using latest versions of unity and spine. I made no code changes before this started occuring
Any suggestions where further to look?
Here is a link to a spine import only project but it has the issue
Open the Mix and Match scene (in the root assets folder) and try switching the visor or gun you will see the issue.
Is there a way to get some further assistance since I provided a project with the error reproducible? This is completely shutting my game down at the moment.
Thanks for the reproduction package, we can now reproduce your problem. We will get back to you as soon as we have figured out what is going wrong.
It turned out that the texture quality settings of the active Very Low
profile use the Half Res
setting, which indeed leads to incorrect texture regions. I have created an issue ticket here:
In the meantime, please use normal texture resolution or preview in a higher quality tier until this bug is resolved.
Thanks for reporting this issue!
// Thank you!!!!!!
To clarify, is this an export setting or something I can set in Unity?
Nvm found it
Thanks for letting us know, glad to hear you figured it out.