• Tutorials
  • New to the tutorials section? Please read before posting

Welcome to the Spine tutorials section!
If you are also new to Spine, jump below where there's a list of resources ready for you.

Posting guidelines

We would like to keep this section easily searchable and accessible to people.
For this reason, please try to follow these guidelines:

The title of a post can be tagged with one or more of the following options:
[Editor] for tutorials related to the Spine editor.
[Runtime] for tutorials related to the Spine runtimes.
[Video] if the tutorial includes a video.
[Photoshop]/[Illustrator]/[Unity]/[UE4] if the tutorial focuses on a certain software or game toolkit.
[Request] If you would like to request a tutorial, or ask for advice.
[Tip] if you're sharing a small bit of useful information.

List of resources for new users

The Spine User Guide features a solid text panoramic of all the functions of Spine, as well as a nice playlist of videos to show you how every part of Spine works.
Spine User Guide

Learn how to prepare and export your assets from Photoshop to Spine:
spine-scripts/photoshop at master · EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts

If you want to jump straight into trying to do something with Spine, this might be a good video:

If you like to see complete processes and rigging in real time, here's a collection of twitch streams with downloadable projects. (I suggest navigating this with the subchapters by finding what interests you the most)
Spine: Twitch

If you're a person who prefers to be mentored, we also offer workshops for your team or one-on-one.
Spine: Workshop

If you want to make quick little questions, ask for feedback, make casual conversation and find fellow Spine users, here's the UNOFFICIAL Spine discord.

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4 yıl sonra
Nate, tartışmayı kilitledi.