I'm looking at the raptor-pro.json file and I'm wondering how I can interpret what the following fields means in this example:
"skeleton": {
"hash": "mgqdBc4qGeG0cf82wyQ/vAcvEqg",
"spine": "3.8.55",
"x": -809.16,
"y": -73.54,
"width": 1280.26,
"height": 1039.44,
"images": "./images/",
"audio": ""
Specifically I'm looking at the x, y, width and height fields. I'm asking because I'm trying to get my spine to render completely within my bounding but if I center the spine's origin in the center of my box the raptor's tail is still extending beyond the box's left side. I'm thinking I might have to do some kind offset based on the x and y positions?