• Bugs
  • Hero example project missing animations

(Not really a bug but not sure where else to post this ...)

Hi all, I was hoping to use the hero example character as a placeholder while I work out what I really want to ask/pay a professional artist/animator to do.

Unfortunately, it looks like the jump & fall animations aren't implemented and there's no death animation. Is there a more fleshed-out version of this available anywhere?

Related Discussions
  • Düzenlendi

the version of the Hero project is the only one we offer.
There is a jump animation, but it's not divided in up and down states, but you could easily duplicate it and change the pose, same for the death animation, as long as it's just for placeholder purposes.


  • duplicate or create a brand new animation
  • activate auto key
  • adjust the pose until it looks how you need it using the pose tool, or the rotare and translate tool. Hint: start from the bone higher in the hierarchy, then adjust the children bones or you'll have to redo things over and over
  • save and export

Key Frames - Spine User Guide
Animating - Spine User Guide
Tools - Spine User Guide

Or you can always use Spineboy for placeholder purposes.