Nate yazdıThanks for the project files. There were a number of problems in Spine with duplicating a skeleton:
1) Skin constraints were not duplicated correctly.
2) The applied skins in the duplicate skeleton were in the wrong order.
3) Linked meshes sometimes appeared in the wrong skin in the duplicate (yikes!).
Yeah, "something" was clearly wrong.
My project, as you could see, makes heavy use of skin contraints, and problems started to appear long ago. I couldn't put my finger on what they were, and that's why I only could offer you a repro method for this dupe issue.
But if I'm to be honest, I'm not sure the description of what you guys have covered in those three points will address all of the glitches I've seen, lol. I speak about skin constraints being listed in other skins, but not really "present", when duplicating skins in the same skeleton.
Maybe it's fixed, as a secondary effect of solving the other ones. I'll need to see it. :p
Nate yazdıWe've fixed all of these in 4.0.09-beta. Please note we don't plan to do more 3.8 releases.
Wait, what? :o
Nate yazdıHave you tried v4 yet? I know you have brought up a number of issues and we keep saying it's all better in v4, so it would be great to hear how it goes for you.
Yeah well... but that's the thing: v4 is in beta stage, and 3.8.99, apart from these hiccups is very stable and my project is huge. I can't take that risk.
My "business" model is through monthly subscription on SubscribeStar (crowdfunding) and I can't afford getting stuck for days if I find myself in a technical impasse.
But regardless of my personal case I don't think that decision of declaring the current production version 3.8 as defunct and unsupported is a wise move. You're basically forcing everyone commiting to an untested platorm without any overlap with the current stable version.
Yes, I had several issues related to memory in recent versions, but you fixed them in 3.8.9x and that was great, but also kind of taken for granted. Sorry if I sound like an entitled bitch lol, but I mean, version overlapping is standard practice.
Unity, for example, has its LTS (Long Term Support) program:
"These updates will only cover usability fixes aimed at improving the stability of the product to enable users to ship their projects."
In short, they're adding new features to Unity 2020, along with new bugs, but making sure 2019 remains stable and supported until people feels confident about 2020 and its brand new shiny features.
But if you don't support 3.8, then you're basically leaving us no options other than getting stuck in time or doing a leap of faith.
Anyway, I'll stop the ranting about this. I just hope you give a second consideration to that decision.
Nate yazdıYour project is quite large and using clipping attachments can be very expensive. Are you testing that performance at runtime remains acceptable as you continue to add to your project? I highly suggest doing this periodically to identify any potential performance problems as early as possible.
I added that clipping with some fears, as an experiment. I'll probably remove it if I see a 5 year old computer can't handle the game. Thank you for the heads up.
Nate yazdıAnother concern is that many of your attachments have warning symbols. For meshes this means that the mesh has weights from bones which may not be active. For example, that could happen if the bones are in a skin, but not in the same skin as the mesh. It could also happen if the bones are in a skin but the mesh is not in any skin.
Yes, this is intended. It's meant to avoid a ridiculous number of skin combinations and make management of these models a possible task for a human brain. :p
To illustrate it, in the female model you can see there are...:
1.- BreastsType (4 skins): contain transform and path constraints related to the "shape" of the breasts.
2.- CupSize (5 per type = 20 skins): contain transform constraints to make them smaller or bigger (it's not enough just scaling).
3.- Breasts (4 breast types * 9 skintones * 3-4 tan effect = approx. 120+ skins): contains the images proper, with no constraints.
And that's not all, I also have numerous clothes, like shirts and bras that use the same meshes as the Breasts (duplicated, as they can't be linked yet). BUT could be affected by additional separate skins constraints to make the breasts more firm (because it's a bra, you know). I have many dozens of those as well...
Now imagine I needed to create a single skin, with all relevant bones and skin constraints for every possible combination... hell no. :shake:
So, as soon as I realized I could separate the image attachments from the constraints, I threw myself into it and thanked you guys for making it possible, even if you didn't designed the thing for this use case, lol. In fact, my game wouldn't be possible if I couldn't apply skin constraints "additively".
ALSO, with all the problems I was having (and I still have) when duplicating skins with constraints in them, of course I wanted to stay as clear as possible from needing to manage hundreds of skins that might have, or maybe not, the constraints Spine said they had.
Nate yazdıThe ramification of the warning symbols is that some or all of the vertex transforms cannot be computed for the mesh when the bones it is weighted to are not active. When that happens the affected vertices will appear at 0,0 in world coordinates.
When in Spine, if you have unchecked Hide viewport skin bones
then all the skin bones are active, even if their skin is not. This allows the vertices that would otherwise be placed at 0,0 to be placed correctly. You should not rely on this though, because at runtime only the bones that are active will be available, just like when Hide viewport skin bones
is checked. You will see your mesh either not appear at all because all the vertices are at 0,0 or some of the mesh will be OK and the rest will be stretched to 0,0.
I don't use that option in Spine. I wasn't even aware it did that, so I'll be sure to avoid it even with more reason now, lol.
I'm aware of the stretching when not all elements are active, yes. It's to be expected and logical, and I'm careful about it because I'm using that system I've described above.
Nate yazdıI highly suggest fixing all the warning icons in your project before adding more attachments. It may be a lot of work, but your skeleton won't work correctly at runtime unless you do it. It is much easier to fix the warnings as they appear when making changes to the project rather than letting it get up to hundreds of warnings that need fixing.
Acually... it works, lol.
One of your colleages already saw my project and said the same about the warnings, but seriously it works well with additive skinning and it's a blast to have this kind of customization in an adult game.
Maybe I'm exploiting Spine capabilities far more than you thought as the normal use cases, but... I'm not a normal person. :rofl:
Look what you've done, now I look like a pretentious little bitch, haha!
Anyway, just reconsider the support for 3.8, please? I'm sure I'm not alone in this sentiment.
And thank you for your reply and your troubleshooting work.