Nate yazdıI was able to view both skeletons using Skeleton Viewer, which means that spine-libgdx is working correctly with this data. There may be a bug in spine-c which is what spine-cocos2d-objc uses. Mario is usually the one who works on spine-c, but unfortunately he is unavailable until next week. Can you give more information about the crash? Where in the code does it crash?
I didn't find anything named rain_resources
in the JSON skeleton data?
Export to "rain_night.skel" by spine,running in " libgdx – Java " has no problem. but export to "rain_night.json" running in "cocos2d-objc – Objective-C" can crash.
Crash when executing "[[CCDirector sharedDirector] runWithScene: ".
Nate yazdıI was able to view both skeletons using Skeleton Viewer, which means that spine-libgdx is working correctly with this data. There may be a bug in spine-c which is what spine-cocos2d-objc uses. Mario is usually the one who works on spine-c, but unfortunately he is unavailable until next week. Can you give more information about the crash? Where in the code does it crash?
I didn't find anything named rain_resources
in the JSON skeleton data?
ps: Export to "rain_night.json" running in " libgdx – Java " has no problem. Both .json and .skel can run!