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Exporting a GIF an exact size
Hello, I have a question.
I am trying to export a GIF to an exact size of 560 by 560. But when I export the image, Spine crops the parts where there is no action. Do you have any advice on how I can acomplish what I am trying to do?
For example, this GIF becomes 435 by 432 pixels.
I tried exporting spineboy with both 3.8 and 4.0 using 1000x1000 and 50% scale, transparency, and other settings similar to your screenshot. It seems to work OK for spineboy:
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Spine shouldn't be trimming your GIF at all. If you are still having trouble, can you send your .spine file and images so we can see the problem? contact@esotericsoftware.com
Hi Nate,
It is strange. In Windows Explorer and the native photo app, the ratio is incorrect. In photoshop and the website I am using it on, the ratio is correct.
I think it is an Explorer problem.
Oh, that is very strange! I guess Explorer is not to be trusted.