Erika yazdıWhy do you want to move them together? what kind of movement do you want to achieve? could you post a screenshot, a sketch, or some sort of example so that we can understand the setup you wish to achieve better?
Because, what I'm trying to do is that, converting 3d bone animation data into 2d bone animation.
I have a 3d animation data extracted from other game, and I projected each joints of every bone into 2d plane and get all of coordinates of each joints frame by frame with scripting and I made a frame animation data.
And when I try to put this data into 2d Spine character, I discovered that I cannot just move all bones to the coords I got from joints, since if I move the bones globally, each head of every bones will be located at expected coords but their length is not changed, so the mesh parented to them is messed up. So I need to find a way to move joints.
So I decided to apply only angular movements from animation data.
But the result is... bad
It shows the exact angle movements each frame, but without scaling each bone, it never look alike the original animation.
This became runtime specific, not editor specific, but I wanted to explain what I'm trying to achieve in the end, so that anyone can have better solution for this.
Also I asked moving joints in Editor topic, since if editor has a way to do that, I maybe be able to use that trick and do the same in scripting.
So please freely tell me any idea. If I can achieve my goal without having to directly moving joints, it's okay. Please help ..