- Düzenlendi
Quick question
Hello there.
I got "An error occurred reading hotkeys, please check spine.log."
I'm not sure how to check the log and I wasn't able to find any info on the forums about this.
The thing that may have triggered it is when I moved the location of my project file. Any way I can get rid of the error, or rather what does it mean?
You can see the log here:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\spine.log
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/spine.log
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/spine.log
If you haven't edited your hotkeys.txt, I'm very interested to see what the error reported is as it means there was some problem updating your hotkeys that should not have happened. If you can post or email (contact@esotericsoftware.com) the spine.log and also the hotkeys.txt file in the same folder, that would be great.
Interestingly enough, I haven't made any changes to my hotkeys. Could this be the hotkey changes due to a patch. The only relevant information I could see in the spine.log was the following:
Duplicate actions for hotkey Ctrl+R: Next Frame (10), Repeat
Duplicate actions for hotkey Ctrl+F: Previous Frame (10), Zoom To 100%
My guess is changing these keys would get rid of the error but I wonder why it occurred in the first place. Would you still like the .txt and .log?
Yes, I would still like the hotkeys.txt, I don't need the spine.log. Thanks!
Got it, thanks! IN 1.6.30 I've fixed hot hotkeys are updated. You shouldn't see any more errors, the bad hotkeys are silently removed (but only when the hotkey file is updated between Spine versions, not when you accidentally type an error into it).
Great! Just checked it and it's gone. Thanks for being so prompt Nate.