- Düzenlendi
Preview Window Weirdness?
Is the preview window the ultimate way things will look in game? I am getting all sorts of weirdness in that window at times that doesn't make sense.
1) There are times when a piece or multiple pieces are turned off on my animation timeline, but they show up in the Preview window. Will it export the way i am seeing it in the animation timeline (off) or the way i am seeing it in the preview window (on)?
2) When i switch between animations in Preview mode, i'll get weirdness, like pieces jumping /straight inbetweening into position while animating the first time thru. This stops after the first playthru. Will this happen at runtime, or can i trust that it will snap from one animation to another animation as intended?
Preview is rendering using a Spine Runtime. It is using AnimationState like it would in your game, so mixing between animations, tracks, etc should be the same. Preview is configured via the editor, so that part does differ quite a bit from exporting to a file and loading the data.
I'm not sure what you are seeing, so it's hard to say why it's happening. Is it possible to send your project files and instructions on how we can see the problems ourselves?
You could export to JSON or binary and run the Skeleton Viewer to see how it behaves using purely the Spine Runtimes, without the Spine editor parts.
Skeleton Viewer
This is likely due to slot visibility, which if turned off only has effect in the editor (to make your workspace less cluttered) but not at runtime, where you'll see all slots active regardless of what you set in the editor. Make sure the attachments inside said slots are turned off in setup mode if you don't wish to see them active at all times.
This is a result of the mix setting in the preview and how the animation you just selected mixes with the previous with that given time. At runtime you can tweak these better, and set custom mixing times, so don't worry too much if the preview view is not always perfect, especially if two animations are never meant to be seen one after the other.
Ah, if it is the mix duration, just set it to 0.