The current code use OnGraphStop() to restore flip state but OnGraphStop() will also be called when Timeline is just paused. The follow is a fix. It use 'stopped' event from playableDirector so that even pausing the timeline won't revert the flip state.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using Spine.Unity;
namespace Spine.Unity.Playables {
public class SpineSkeletonFlipMixerBehaviour : PlayableBehaviour {
float originalScaleX, originalScaleY;
float baseScaleX, baseScaleY;
SpinePlayableHandleBase playableHandle;
bool m_FirstFrameHappened;
public override void ProcessFrame (Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) {
playableHandle = playerData as SpinePlayableHandleBase;
if (playableHandle == null)
var skeleton = playableHandle.Skeleton;
if (!m_FirstFrameHappened) {
originalScaleX = skeleton.ScaleX;
originalScaleY = skeleton.ScaleY;
baseScaleX = Mathf.Abs(originalScaleX);
baseScaleY = Mathf.Abs(originalScaleY);
m_FirstFrameHappened = true;
int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();
float totalWeight = 0f;
float greatestWeight = 0f;
int currentInputs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++) {
float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
ScriptPlayable<SpineSkeletonFlipBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable<SpineSkeletonFlipBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
SpineSkeletonFlipBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();
totalWeight += inputWeight;
if (inputWeight > greatestWeight) {
SetSkeletonScaleFromFlip(skeleton, input.flipX, input.flipY);
greatestWeight = inputWeight;
if (!Mathf.Approximately(inputWeight, 0f))
if (currentInputs != 1 && 1f - totalWeight > greatestWeight) {
skeleton.ScaleX = originalScaleX;
skeleton.ScaleY = originalScaleY;
public void SetSkeletonScaleFromFlip (Skeleton skeleton, bool flipX, bool flipY) {
skeleton.ScaleX = flipX ? -baseScaleX : baseScaleX;
skeleton.ScaleY = flipY ? -baseScaleY : baseScaleY;
// NOTE: Cannot use this because Pause will also trigger.
public override void OnGraphStop(Playable playable)
m_FirstFrameHappened = false;
if (playableHandle == null)
var skeleton = playableHandle.Skeleton;
skeleton.ScaleX = originalScaleX;
skeleton.ScaleY = originalScaleY;
// NOTE: instead, subscribe to stopped event
PlayableDirector director = null;
public override void OnPlayableCreate(Playable playable)
director = playable.GetGraph().GetResolver() as PlayableDirector;
director.stopped += OnTimelineStopped;
public override void OnPlayableDestroy(Playable playable)
director.stopped -= OnTimelineStopped;
void OnTimelineStopped(PlayableDirector obj)
m_FirstFrameHappened = false;
if (playableHandle != null)
var skeleton = playableHandle.Skeleton;
skeleton.ScaleX = originalScaleX;
skeleton.ScaleY = originalScaleY;