• Editor
  • Identical positions on multiple textures

My question is regarding texture placement in Setup mode.

I'm planning on using multiple sets of textures (characters) for the same animation. Upon dropping all the textures of my new character to the appropriate skin nodes, I noticed the translate, rotation and scale of the previous set was attached to the image itself and not the skin node. This makes sense, however is there a way for the new textures to be placed in the exact same position as the previous set?

I found my self manually copying all the values from the previous skin set to the new. It achieved the right effect but it's very tedious and time consuming. Any suggestions on speeding up this process or being able to copy the values to all textures at once?

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You can drop an image on to an existing attachment to copy the SRT. If all your images have the same SRT, you could attach them programmatically instead of doing it in Spine. Eg, you could attach one set in Spine, and then use those same SRT values for every other image at runtime.

5 gün sonra

Not all of them would be identical. Some need their SRT adjusted and some need the art adjusted, but generally they will have the majority of limbs in the same place.

Dropping the image onto the existing attachment doesn't help me because I need to test for a variety of skins. I hope you know what I mean.

An option to copy all the SRT values (from one skin set) and paste to another would be helpful. Wish I could be more helpful suggesting how to implement this.

Veletan yazdı

Dropping the image onto the existing attachment doesn't help me because I need to test for a variety of skins. I hope you know what I mean.

Not sure what you mean?

Can't you duplicate a skin, drop new images on to the existing images, then adjust them if needed? Another option is to duplicate a skin, then use find and replace (F4 or the button at the top of the tree) to modify the names of the attachments.

Oh boy. -_- I hadn't realized I could do that. I copied animations, but didn't think to copy skins as well. This solves that problem for me. Thank you.