IanM yazdıI've found the way the right click toggles to previous tool to be really helpful. However, every time I grab a tool other than move or rotate my muscle memory will screw me up since I use those tools so frequently that my brain expects right click to move between them by default!
I know what you mean, it happens to me sometimes. Switching to the previous tool gives a lot of flexibility, allowing it to be useful for more tasks than just rotate/translate. For example, you might use the pose tool, which can both translate and rotate, combined with another tool, like scale.
Actually, why does the weight tool toggle this way? It feels more like a mode than a tool to me
It's common to adjust weights, then try them out with rotate or translate or pose.
We could add a new hotkey that only gives you rotate and translate, but there's currently not a way to assign hotkeys to mouse buttons. It may need to be a setting. I've made a note for a future version!
Would I be better off using the per-tool hotkeys instead?
For me personally, I find the right click usually gives me what I need. When it doesn't, I often click the toolbar buttons. Using hotkeys is definitely faster and you'll be better off doing that, but right click gets me pretty close to that.
I'm also curious about how that set of bottom row tool hotkeys came about. Does that mirror another application the way Unity is mirroring MAX/Maya?
Yep, the default hotkeys will be familiar to someone who is used to Autodesk SoftImage. Defaults can't please everyone, so as Sinisa says, it's best to customize them.