valentin.raus Hi! I'm creating multiple skins (outfits) for the same character, and they are relatively different in number of slots, I know I need to keep all of them in the same order to not cause a draw order issue, but will i have any problem if any of the outfits have more (or less) slots than others?
Huy137 I guess it not really a problem,because skin with less available slot can allow to have empty slot too, so every skin still have the same amount slot even in you case. Why would you want to cause more trouble just to save up some slot? Empty slot work just the same
Nate Empty slots don't hurt. The only time the number of slots matters is rendering, it goes through each slot, if it has an attachment then it gets rendered. If no attachment, it just goes to the next slot, which is very, very fast.
Nick Trust me. Its a VERY BIG problem if you care the length of your Draw Order list. Especially there are still no folder support in draw order list. Don't let it grow like the Delta variant! Save your own world.