Hi all,
Still new to spine but wondering if there is a way to export a project that contains many skins so that the resulting export json/binary only contains one skin (like if we could basically export the skin view screen and pick what set of skin we want)
and that any image not used would not be included in the atlas neither.
the use case for that is that the project file is expected to contains many combination for which I only want to select a few and that each export should be independent of the information needed to pick that selection.
So that each export is a self contain project with only one skin.
One way I could see it working would be to export and then remove any ref to the non-desired skin element, but that involved quite a bit. Also the atlas would require special attention.
I can see some previous conversation around similar topic (see links below) but it seems spine do not support such simplified export, am I right?
I tried to export with command line but not file is created.
Selective Exporting
Any other idea to solve the issue ? any way to programmticaly acces spine editor runtime data. Like if I could write a plugin that programmatically uncheck export for skins, I could potentially achieve that, but not sure if it will scale for my use case as I need thousands of exports