- Düzenlendi
『unexpected error』spine can't open
I've replied your another post too, but I deleted one of your screenshots which showed your spine.log because it showed your email address. Spine licenses can be recovered with the licensed email address, so I deleted it to protect your license so it would not be stolen by someone.
We'll check the cause of your error, so please wait for a while.
Your log contains:
Another process has modified Spine's files, please reinstall.
This means you must have some other software on your computer that is interfering with Spine. Once that happens, Spine can crash for any reason, there's not much we can do.
Please disable any antivirus or similar software. You may need to uninstall some software, such as Comodo Firewall, because it will continue to interfere with other programs even if you "disable" it.
Also, your Spine launcher is 4.0.37
. If you download and reinstall, you'll get a newer launcher, 4.0.48
To Nate:
Thank you message.
I tried reinstall my spine this morning,but it doesn't work.The same bug was showed to me.
To Misaki:
Thank you for deleted the screenshot.I will be care for next time to my privacy.
In afternoon I'm amazing my spine can work like first. I didn't do anything with my computer,i don't know why its down and be repaired by itself.
Is my computer a living things?
Of course, your PC also has spirit! Please caress it sometimes.
Just kidding. I’m glad to hear that your Spine is working now.
If your Spine unable to start or crashes, see our troubleshooting page:
It explains some possible causes of Spine not being able to start.
I recommend you to get a newer launcher as Nate mentioned.
Very strange! I can only guess that whatever other software that was interfering with Spine is no longer doing it.