- Düzenlendi
How to check when the animation ends?
I'm struggling with it for a while.
Could you please help with relevant code example?
I have skeleton and its animation name:
public SkeletonAnimation playAfterSkeleton;
[SpineAnimation(dataField: "playAfterSkeleton")]
public string _afterAnimation;
I need to launch some function once the exact animation of this skeleton gets to the last frame.
TrackEntry allows you to get the timing at which a specific animation is ended. See the following section in the spine-unity runtime documentation for more information:
spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Processing AnimationState Events
I read the documentation. And still a lot is unclear. The example is not relevant for me because I try to catch End/Complete from another class. I mean what I have is a link to SkeletonAnimation. I need to know when some animation of this skeleton is complete. Any more examples?
Well, I figured it out. Thanks!
One more question: what if animation is looped? It seems End or Complete don't work in such case. How to know when looped animation got to a last frame?
Once one loop is completed, the "Complete" event is emitted.
In case anything remains unclear, please note that there is separate tutorial page "Spine Events and AnimationState callbacks" linked from the spine-unity documentation page, in case you missed it:
Coding for Spine Events and AnimationState callbacks