• Editor
  • Move to top spine layer

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Hello. I'm looking for an answer how to move an object to a layer above?
So I have:
Dracula drinks wine: (now his hand goes behind his head, and I need it to be higher)

What I have in layers:

How can I influence it? :think:
Thaks! 🙂


To change the layer order, expand the Draw Order node in the Tree view, click the slot which you want to modify, then drag it up or down. When performing this operation in Setup mode, the change will affect all animations. In Animate mode, the change can be keyed on the timeline in the active animation. Please see this page of the user guide for more information:
Slots - Spine User Guide: Draw order

By the way, we have a topic for questions about the Spine editor (viewforum.php?f=11), so if you have any more questions, I hope you will post them in there.

bir ay sonra

Please, can you made a hotkey to bring all draw order layers to top or bottom? I've a try to change count of layers (for example (50):.. ) in a hotkey list, but it does not work( It is just brake a hotkey, so it just doesn't work anymore, till I back it again to (5): ...