Is the process similar to the unity3d tutorial? Meaning do I just need to export the json and atlas while renaming each file to .txt?
I looked over the runtime on github, and I noticed that the example used Texture Packer to create the atlas file (I'm assuming it's to avoid any rotations in the atlas, because futile doesn't support it). Is this recommended?
So, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm guessing the steps are:
1. Have an animation ready on Sprite.
Export the json with pretty print selected (Although when i changed it into a .txt file... the formatting was all over the place, is this a bug?) and rename the .json extension to a .txt
Grab the folder that contains all the images you used to create the animation and drag them into Texture Packer and publish for unity3d (Basic Algorithm, No rotation, Trim On/Off?)
The atlas.png, atlas.txt (Created by Texture Packer), and the atlasJson.txt (created by spine) should be in the Resources Folder in your unity project.
From here you can copy the Futile Spine runtime into your project's plugins folder.