Hello, sorry for the bad English.
A problem of this kind, with a dense grid in the picture and a large number of vertices, problems arise when running in unreal engine.
In unreal engine 5.1, I was able to run only version 4.2 beta.
Created in Spine version 3.8.99.
Exporting json version of Spine 4.1.19.
Vertices: 1,705
Vertex transforms: 7,305
Triangles: 3,374
The import to unreal engine is successful.
When atlas and skeleton are selected, unreal is closed or blueprint is compiled.
If you remove some of the vertices, everything works.
I didn't forget about the cpp folder.
But the project is made exactly the same, but there are fewer vertices in it, everything works.
Vertices: 621
Vertex transforms: 1,834
Triangles: 1,137
If you can fix this problem, I will be very grateful.
I checked in unreal engine 4.27, spine 3.8, 4.0, 4.1 - the same thing.
32 Ram