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  • Pascal runtime

I have created a generic pascal runtime for spine. it can be very easily used with any existing pascal framework that compiles with fpc or delphi. the runtime can be downloaded from here: http://gen2gdk.com/files/SpinePascal.rar. at the moment there is only one demo that uses g2mp game framework. if anyone is interested I can make a pure opengl and direct3d demo. later I will port this runtime to smart mobile studio (http://smartmobilestudio.com/).

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I tested here and it is working like a charm! Everything seems to be fully working! Thanks a lot for the runtimes. I will use it on all my future games! =)

Very cool stuff Dan 🙂

bir ay sonra

I tried to update the headers to the latest data format from Spine but I should be missed something! =(

I can load the skeleton with the animations attached but I can't update the animations. Everything seems to works but it does not works, the animation vanish after I call UpdateWorldTransform.

And for some reason, I can't delete anymore the squeletondata variable after I use Skeleton := TSpineSkeleton.Create(sd);

Any help would be very apreciated!

Sorry, I'm afraid I'm not much help in Pascal. 🙁

7 gün sonra

I have updated the pascal runtime to support the new format. the download link is still the same.

Everything seems to be working fine! =) Thanks a lot!

I will use it on a new game starting today, I hope to post some screenshots soon! =)

8 ay sonra

Hi Dan,

Is there an updated version of pascal spine?


5 gün sonra

Hi Sesilla, I was not aware that the runtime has changed, I will check it. In the future it would be much faster to contact me at pgd, since I do not visit here very often.

6 yıl sonra

Sorry for reanimating this old thread but I'd love to try the Pascal Spine Runtime.
Unfortunately, neither of the old links work anymore.
So if you are around, Dan, or if anybody still has the files somewhere, I would greatly appreciate them being available for download again.
I am developing the tool Sprite DLight in Lazarus / FPC and there are some issues with dynamic lighting and Spine involving rotations and normal maps of body parts as well as smooth transitions between parts.
I'd really like to play with the runtime and see if it can help resolve these things.

In lieu of a Pascal runtime, maybe it's feasible to bind the spine-c runtime for Free Pascal?

4 gün sonra

Thanks for the response, Mario. I am still hoping for "the real thing".
According to this thread, the Pascal Runtime must have worked and should still exist somewhere (maybe it needs some updates).
I tried to contact Dan via PM at pgd (Pascal Game Development Forum). He hasn't responded so far but I won't give up hope as of yet!

    4 yıl sonra