• Hey Nate

Hey. I've been really enjoying spine. Thanks for making a really great piece of software that indie developers, such as myself, can use. I wanted to talk to you about the new features from your kickstarter page.

I understand if the project gets funded, you would like to roll everything out in the following months. However, I'm wondering how you're dealing with the development at the moment? Based on your presentation video, it feels like you have a lot of the features worked out.

I'm obviously very excited about the features and could greatly benefit from using them, but I would also like to help out if you need any testers. I could give you updates, bug reports and let you use some of my work as examples, if you happen to like it.

I feel like this is asking for too much, so I'm putting it out there if the thought ever enters your mind (to have other people test patches prior to release). Let me know what you think. I'll catch you later man.


PS. Considering you know nothing about me, my name is Allan and I'm originally from Croatia. I saw that you live there now, I'm quiet surprised. Hope everything's working out!

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Hi Allan,

I posted a little about implementing the new features here:

The video was done with SoftImage, it is just a simulation of how the features might work. They aren't actually done yet. Here a prototype video:

Thanks for the offer to test, but as soon as I have something somewhat usable, I'd like to roll it out to everyone. This will happen incrementally.

Croatia is nice. Food is good, the seaside is fantastic. 2 weeks ago we picked 283kg of olives at the seaside and have 40l of oil for family and friends. 🙂


Ah, that makes more sense. The presentation video looked like it was near complete. I checked out the example you showed me, it looks good.

Alright, I'll look forward to the future builds with the new features, thanks for clarifying that.

Wow, you went olive picking? I haven't even done that my friend! I lived in the north part of Croatia, near many forests. Picking berries or gathering chestnuts or hazelnuts was more of a common thing for me, haha. Oh and not to mention countless apples and plums. The sea is really great in summer, I miss it. Last time I've seen it was as child, before the war. That was a long time ago. I still have an uncle that lives in Rijeka, but we've been out of touch. =/ Alright man, I'll catch you around the forums. Btw, thanks for all the help and feedback on there.
