• Process question, freelance

Hello Thomas.

I'm always glad to help. But I don't understand your question. You can more specifically clarify - what kind of assets are we talking about? If you mean "highlight" or "glow lance" etc. is just painted textures. The plume from the head of the tiger (in final animation) it's standard effect in "Spine". Additional applications or arts downloaded from the Internet, I did not use, if you about it.

I open to freelancing. All depends on your offer.

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I use one set. The exception is hand (when he throws spear) it has 2 positions - fist and open palm. Shield is also 2 texture - front and back. Spear - White texture and color. All other parts in the animation do not change, only due deformed mesh.

Much time spent on deformation mesh. Only one cloak ate a lot of time.
Specifically, this Gladiator: 1-2 animations per day.

Hello, Thomas.
At the moment I'm busy. I shall be free, after about 2 weeks. Full day of my time costs 160$ (20$ per hour)

My email:


You can send the test job now. If I shake myself before, I can do it. But, most likely, 2 weeks is the minimum period, I will be very busy.

My name is Alexey, all right.

For some reason, here on the forum, my email has been deleted. Or - you can see it? You can get it here: