• EditorBugs
  • unchecked inherit issue

After the release of Spine 4.2, I noticed that once I uncheck ‘inherit’ in Spine, my images get distorted upon importing to Unity. What could be the reason for this? There wasn’t an issue like this with the older versions.

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@jamesliu Are you using the latest spine-unity 4.2 runtime? In general there are no known issues with inherit scale or rotation with 4.2. Unless you are of course using a SkeletonUtilityBone hierarchy to mirror the bone hierarchy with disabled Inherit Scale or Rotation , this has and will never be supported since a Unity Transform hierarchy does not allow to disable any such inheritance.

7 gün sonra

After I upgraded the runtime to 4.2, the problem was solved. However, a new issue arose where the newly imported Spine animations in Unity appear normal in the prefab, but when placed into the game scenes, the materials are misaligned. This issue has been troubling me for a day, and I have yet to pinpoint the cause.

Editor version: 4.2.22
runtime version:4.2-2024-05-07
It’s odd that some of the old animations still work fine after upgrading the runtime, but the newly added animations do not.

Is the problem as the one illustrated at 5:58 of this video?