We're working on a game having two switchable characters. Both have a spine (version 4.1) played on two tracks. One for main actions (running, attacking, idle, etc...) another one just used for additional overlay (hurt, invincibility, etc...). On this overlay track, animation like hurt is just changing the color slots of the assets. This used to work fine with both characters. We recently added some hair and clothe animation of one of the character (for instance while idle or running etc....) and it seems that just for this character, overlay track is no more working as intended in runtime (for instance hurt animation should behave like a red tint through the whole body, but nothing appear, or sometimes it does but just during one or two updates...). We checked spine asset in Skeleton viewer and everything work fine. Nothing was changed on the code (dev side) and the other character (without clothes animation) still works fine and his overlay animations are good. Someone has a hint?