Harald What do you mean by "positions of attachment were modified", did you just move the attachments in the Spine Editor relative to the bone (so change the position or rotation offset)? Or did you mean something else?
Yes, just moving attachments in editor.
Harald What do you mean by "all Sprites", other attachments that have been packed to the atlas texture?
I mean I can see anything else from sprite atlas that fits in this defined by mesh rectangle. So not just staff, as desired, but all other tightly packed nearly placed things like arrows etc.
Harald By "regular Sprite" do you mean using a Region Attachment instead of a Mesh Attachment (disabling "Mesh" at the attachment) in the Spine Editor?
Yes, exactly. Btw. Original sprite has empty space at borders, but this effect with drawing surrounding sprites does not happen using region attachment.
Yes, I only export spine skeleton. I can not do repack atlas anymore, as I have 9 2k sprite atlasses and only 100mb free in git. But as i did not modified any sprites it should work and actually works.
Well... at least making tight mesh worked for me. Just wanted to understand in details why it happens at all.