• Editor
  • Atlas export

There are three atlases exported by spine, and the pictures in unity will be messed up. I changed the album into one and threw it in, and it was fine, but when compressed into one image, the picture would be blurry. How can I solve the problem of throwing in a three-image album without confusion?

    Related Discussions

    chow Did you instantiate the skeleton using the SkeletonGraphic component? If so, you need to enable Advanced - Multiple CanvasRenderers of the SkeletonGraphic component in the Inspector window, as the SkeletonGraphic component only supports a single texture by default. For more information, please see the following section of the documentation:
    高级 - 单页Texture Atlas文件的导出和SkeletonGraphic

    It seems that you are packing the atlas texture page with a maximum size of 2048, but Unity can load even larger images, so I recommend increasing the maximum size value and packing as the images into a single image. This allows you to reduce unnecessary draw calls and improve performance.

    • chow bunu yanıtladı.
      14 gün sonra

      Misaki Thank you very much. I have found a solution to the problem. It is caused by multiple textures·

      2 ay sonra

      spine导出单张图集时候会生成XXX_Material, 多张图集的时候会生成XXX_cg1,unity自动生成的材质球命名不一样,开发那边会读取不到。
      When spine exports a single atlas, XXX_Material will be generated, and when multiple atlases are exported, XXX_cg1 will be generated. The shaders automatically generated by unity have different names, and the development side will not be able to read them.