We are currently experiencing a critical issue with physics animations in Unity.
Within Spine the physics animations works perfectly, but no longer working normally after exported to Unity
After some testing we think it's a bug with Spine export.
We identify that during export, spine will round the weight of the physical constant from 5 decimal point down to 3 decimal point. Any weight value less than 0.0005 became zero, thus the animation no longer works the same way in Unity.
It would be much appreciated if you can fix this bug.

We use our own code and we need the export in binary. The file doesn’t export properly to Unity in json.

Spine Runtime version 4.2

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It seems like you are encountering an issue with the precision of exported physics animation data from Spine to Unity, specifically with the rounding of weight values. This kind of precision issue can indeed affect how animations behave when imported into Unity. While you mentioned using your own code and needing binary export, it's important to ensure that both the Spine Editor and the spine-unity runtime versions are compatible. Since you are using Spine Runtime version 4.2, make sure that your Spine Editor is also updated to a compatible version. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Esoteric Software directly with your project files for further investigation. You can send your project to contact@esotericsoftware.com for a more detailed examination.

Physics constraints don't have a "weight" property. Which properties are you seeing have a lack of precision?

There is some rounding to 2 or 4 decimal places for JSON, but none of the rounding is to 3 decimals places. Generally JSON should only be used if a human needs to read the data or you are using tools to process the data.

Binary exports do not have any rounding.

  • KLCL bunu yanıtladı.
  • KLCL bunu beğendi.


    Thank you Nate for your timely reply.

    Apologies for the confusion. The "weight of physics constraints" is just a regular bone we attached on the mesh with a small weight. The bone is manipulated by a physics constraint, which applies physics to the mesh.

    From our testing, the small weight value (4-5 decimal points) on the physics constraint bone, will get round off to zero/up to 3 decimal points in the Unity Spine runtime, therefore the mesh and animations are not behaving the same as within Spine.
    We tested on Spine runtime 4.2 on both Unity 2023.2.0b8 and Unity 6, both exhibited the same issue.

    The following is an example.
    This is a slime in our project, the mesh is attached to the "physical constraint bone" with a very small weight.

    We treaked the slime’s weight for demonstration.
    All weight value on the left side of the slime is greater 0.0005, the right side is less then 0.0005. This is what idle looks like with physical constraint off.

    This is what idle looks like if we turn on the physics constraint. You can see both sides bulged down, working as intended in Spine.

    This is our slime with physics constraint activated in Unity. The right side (weight less than 0.0005) doesn’t work at all, and no different to the idle slime.
    The left side (weight greater than 0.0005) works to some extent, but clearly different from who it behaved in Spine. The mesh becomes deformed and jagged.

    The effect is more obvious in animation

    This is a jumping slime animation with physics constraint activated, working as intended within Spine.

    This is the same animation in Unity. As you can see the right side didn’t move and not affected by the physics constraints. The left side is significantly different from what it looked like in Spine. It became more deformed and jagged then idle.

    Then we tested moving the bone manually without the physical constant on.

    The slime with bones manually dragged, both side work as intended within Spine.

    The slime with bones manually dragged, in Unity. The right side (weight less than 0.0005) didn’t move and mesh seem not affect by the drag. The left side (weight greater than 0.0005) moved but no where close to what it looked in Spine, becoming significantly deformed and jagged.

    Again thank you very much for your reply. We sincerely hope the runtime issue will be resolved soon.

    • Düzenlendi

    Thanks for the clarification. Does this problem occur with binary export?

    JSON rounds positions to 2 decimal places and weights to 5. Binary rounds both to 5.

    It is not common to need such small weights. Can you post or email the project file? We don't need the images. contact@esotericsoftware.com

    • KLCL bunu yanıtladı.

      Thank you Nate for your reply.

      As mentioned on the initial post, we export in binary. The file cannot be exported properly in json.
      If there’s no rounding in the export, the issue is most likely in the runtime.

      We really appreciate that you accommodated our special needs. We understand the precision requirement is uncommon, yet it is essential for us.

      We prefer sending the file privately via email.
      An email with title “Regarding forum discussion: Bug when exporting physics animation to unity. Attn. Nate” was sent.

      We hope it would be helpful in resolving the runtime issue.

      Thanks for the project. The 3 animations don't really show how you expect the mesh to deform. In animation this doesn't seem desirable:

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      If I run Prune with 4 bones and 0.01 weight then it deletes 72 weights and then animation seems more reasonable:

      HTTPS desteği olmadığı için görsel kaldırıldı. | Yine de Göster

      We need to confirm what looks correct in Spine before we can dig deeper into exports.

      • KLCL bunu yanıtladı.

        Thank you Nate for your reply.
        Apologies for the inconveniences caused. We have sent an updated file. It should behave as intended(as in my second post) now.
        You can see with the precision we can achieve the jello like jiggling. The animation is more rigid when you removed the weight.
        Hope this will help resolving the runtime issue.

        Thanks. This is a weird project. 😃

        The transform constraint boneaa has a translate mix of 30M to magnify the movement of bone Weight<0.0005 and apply it to bone W<0.0005, which is ~17M away from the skeleton. You then weight vertices in the slimeA test mesh to bone W<0.0005 with a tiny value.

        The scale of the numbers you are using is both small and large enough to run into numerical issues with the 32-bit float data type. There is no reasonable workaround for that. Also the Spine UI is not designed for these tiny and massive values. When W<0.0005 is flying around, using Zoom to fit sends the camera off into oblivion. The weight values are so small they show up as 0 in the Weights view.

        Using microscopic and astronomical scales makes it difficult to see what is going on and it's difficult to control. I don't think you need such scales to get a similar effect. Why not do the same with much smaller numbers?

        We will work on improving some of the issues with using extremely small and large numbers, but it's unlikely that all can be fixed. Floating point numbers in computers have many complexities at the extremes (imprecision, compounding errors, etc) and it's almost always better to avoid huge differences in numbers. I highly suggest using more reasonable numbers, for example in the +/-500k and +/-0.0001 ranges. Just being able to see what the bones are doing will make it easier to adjust your results.

        BTW, the orbiting 0 bone is really cool and could produce neat effects!

        • KLCL bunu yanıtladı.

          Thank you Nate for your reply.

          We really look forward to the runtime with improvement on the small/large numbers issue. Precision to 0.0001(4 decimal points) would be much appreciated. We usually use 4-5 decimal points because we need the precision for more realistic physics with more complex model. The currently 3 decimal points (round up to 0.001 or down to zero) in Unity is unusable

          On one side note, out of curiosity. We weren’t aware the Spine Unity runtime is 32-bit. We were always under the impression that Spine was 64-bit since version 4.0? Do you think this might have caused the discrepancy within Spine and Unity Runtime?

          This is a weird project, we can’t agree more. We are aware of the method we use are unconventional, and we really appreciate that you accommodated our special needs.

            To be clear, I don't think you should use such massive numbers, which is what led you to wanting more precision. I think you can get the same effect with smaller numbers and then you would not need more precision.

            If you feel you do still need additional precision, it would help if you can show a project that needs it (without also having massive numbers).

            As mentioned, we will still evaluate what we can do to improve this, but I don't think it will solve all your problems in the project you provided and you probably shouldn't expect it to. It is better to not rely on the behavior of very large or very small floating point numbers across various game toolkits and operating systems.

            Precision to 0.0001(4 decimal points) would be much appreciated. We usually use 4-5 decimal points because we need the precision for more realistic physics with more complex model. The currently 3 decimal points (round up to 0.001 or down to zero) in Unity is unusable

            I don't believe we round to 3 decimal places anywhere. The Weights view supports 5 decimal places. If you think we do round when we shouldn't, please provide a project and explain how to see where that occurs.

            If you are using JSON, use binary.

            KLCL We weren’t aware the Spine Unity runtime is 32-bit. We were always under the impression that Spine was 64-bit since version 4.0? Do you think this might have caused the discrepancy within Spine and Unity Runtime?

            The Spine editor is indeed 64-bit for versions >= 4.0. The 32-bit I mentioned is for the float data type, which is used by the editor, runtimes, and most game toolkits to represent floating point numbers. There are 64-bit floating point numbers but often that is not used for game toolkits, unless there are special needs.

              Nate I don't believe we round to 3 decimal places anywhere. The Weights view supports 5 decimal places. If you think we do round when we shouldn't, please provide a project and explain how to see where that occurs.

              We already emailed you the file, as per mentioned in our post no.4

              Please refer to img.2 and img.3 on our post no.2. This is what we see in Spine vs Unity.
              The project was intended to as a demonstration of the discrepancy between Spine and Unity, help with reproducing the problem and identifying the potential cause.
              The actual problem may something else. It was just our suspicion that it might be rounding.

              Can we confirm if the project is actually working as intended on your copy of Unity?
              If yes, we suspect that could be something to do with our copy of Unity, or our computer.

                KLCL The project was intended to as a demonstration of the discrepancy between Spine and Unity, help with reproducing the problem and identifying the potential cause.

                Your initial project (exported in binary format) seems to run into numeric precision issues on all runtimes, as Skeleton Viewer also displays the same result as spine-unity. The Spine Editor seems to maintain slightly higher precision here.

                KLCL We really look forward to the runtime with improvement on the small/large numbers issue. Precision to 0.0001(4 decimal points) would be much appreciated. We usually use 4-5 decimal points because we need the precision for more realistic physics with more complex model. The currently 3 decimal points (round up to 0.001 or down to zero) in Unity is unusable

                Where did you see any rounding to 3 decimal points?

                Nate I don't believe we round to 3 decimal places anywhere. The Weights view supports 5 decimal places. If you think we do round when we shouldn't, please provide a project and explain how to see where that occurs.

                Nate likely meant if you could send us a project which shows a problem of rounding to e.g. 3 decimal places. Your sent project is using weight * mix of 0.0005 * 30000000 which is quite far away from 3 or even 5 decimal places after mixing.

                • KLCL bunu yanıtladı.

                  Harald, thank you for your reply.

                  We were just suspecting the issue was related to decimal points.
                  In our testing, we found any weight less than 0.0005 will not move the mesh in Unity, therefore we suspected it was likely to do with rounding (to 3 decimal points, hence the value become 0, and vice versa).
                  The rounding was referring to value of the weight inside the mesh, instead of weight*translation.

                  The file (TESTfix, just in case you got the wrong file, we initially sent an incorrect one by accident) was exaggerated to demonstrate the effect.
                  It’s just strange that project looks different in Spine and Unity. The difference were noticeable but not to this extent.