Spine Support has been added to the Little Polygon SDL2 Asset Toolchain as part of the MiniLD51 "Tool Jam"
Github: http://github.com/maxattack/little-polygon
Only bone animations are currently supported, but other features are stubbed in, and will be implemented as need arises (we're currently using these tools in production for DIGHARD: C R I S I S). Even so, our implementation is a lot simpler than the generic C runtime as (i) we do a lot of preprocessing in Python to put animations in a native-friendly form, and (ii) the runtime uses a "structure of arrays" rather than an object-oriented style which has less indirection and better cache coherency. (Our terminology are a little different since we were replacing an older JSFL solution).
Python Import: http://github.com/maxattack/little-polygon/blob/master/tools/rig.py
Python Export: http://github.com/maxattack/little-polygon/blob/master/tools/export_asset_bin.py
Header: http://github.com/maxattack/little-polygon/blob/master/include/littlepolygon/rig.h
Source: http://github.com/maxattack/little-polygon/blob/master/src/Rig.cpp
LMK if you're interested in our tools and would like to see any other spine features exported 🙂