myk_bn Hi! I'm currently working on a game that uses Spine for my Player Sprites, and I have them rotated a bit to face the camera, to achieve a billboarding effect. The problem is, when the player approaches another mesh, instead of being rendered in front of it, the player will get cut off because of its rotation. So my question is, is it possible to sort my whole Spine object based on its Z pivot position? I've tried using the SortingGroup component to no avail.
Spinebot To sort your SkeletonMecanim object based on its Z pivot position, you can use the SortingGroup component, which should help in managing the sorting order of your Spine objects. However, if the SortingGroup component alone does not resolve the issue, you might need to adjust the transform hierarchy. You can create a parent GameObject for your SkeletonMecanim and attach the SortingGroup to this parent. This setup allows you to control the pivot point more effectively. Additionally, ensure that the Z position of your objects is set correctly to achieve the desired sorting order, especially when dealing with rotated objects for a billboarding effect.