• EditorBugs
  • Unable to install Spine trial (Mac Intel)

I downloaded the Spine trial version (Mac Intel) and tried to install it but it is showing error at the start of install.
I downloaded the trial version from: https://en.esotericsoftware.com/spine-download
I selected the option 'Mac Intel'. This downloaded a file 'SpineTrial-x86.dmg'
I clicked open the dmg and it opened a dialog window which had the 'Spine Trial.pkg' file.
I clicked on the 'Spine Trial.pkg' and then a popup message box came up with the following error:
“Spine Trial.pkg” Not Opened
Apple could not verify “Spine Trial.pkg” is free of malware that may harm your Mac or compromise your privacy.
It had the option to 'Move to Bin' (screenshot attached).

Here are the specs of my macbook:
Model: Macbook Pro, 16-inch
Processor: 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
Graphics: AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 4 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Memory: 64 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
OS: macOS Sequoia Version 15.3.2 (24D81) (Latest OS. No updates pending.)
My teammate uses Spine and I need to run those files on my macbook. If it works for me, I will most likely buy an enterprise version - hence some support with the trial version will be very much appreciated.

    Related Discussions

    The error message you're encountering is due to macOS's Gatekeeper feature, which is designed to protect your Mac from potentially harmful software. This feature sometimes flags applications that are not downloaded from the Mac App Store or not signed by an identified developer. To bypass this, you can try the following steps:

    1. Open "System Preferences" on your Mac.
    2. Go to "Security & Privacy" and then the "General" tab.
    3. You should see a message about the Spine Trial.pkg being blocked. Click "Open Anyway" to allow the installation.
    4. If prompted, enter your administrator password to proceed.

    If the "Open Anyway" option does not appear, you can try opening the package using the Terminal:

    1. Open the Terminal application.
    2. Navigate to the directory where the SpineTrial-x86.dmg is mounted.
    3. Use the command sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/SpineTrial/Spine\ Trial.pkg -target / to install the package. You will need to enter your administrator password.

    These steps should help you bypass the Gatekeeper restrictions and install the Spine trial on your Mac.

    Anirban Spinebot's answer is correct, but the location of the menu is a little different in the latest OS, so I'll post some screenshots. the "Open Anyway" button can be found at the following location:

    Pressing this will bring up a further confirmation dialog, again click "Open Anyway":

    You will be prompted to enter your fingerprint or password to proceed:

    After proceeding through everything, the installer window will finally open!:

      Misaki Thanks for the quick response and the screenshot - it helped a lot and I could install it now.

      A small point to add for anybody else who might be reading this in the future. I saw the "Spine Trial.pkg Not Opened" popup -> Clicked on the 'Done' button and then opened the Settings and "Privacy and Security" options - that is when the "Open Anyway" button was visible. If I did not click the Done button, it was not showing this option.