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  • 4.3允许手动烘焙物理了吗,请问该怎么操作

【Added Key Constrained hotkey to key constrained values, allowing manual baking of physics.】

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  • Düzenlendi

Hello! Here is how you can use key constrained to bake physics manually:

  • This is a hotkey, so the first thing to do is open the hotkeys file and assign a hotkey to it. Save the file, then reload it in Spine. https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-settings#Hotkeys
  • Next, Switch to animate mode and activate Key Constrained by pressing the hotkey. If you did this successfully a toat pop up should appear saying that key constraint is now on/off.
  • Find a physics constraint and check "Deterministic" in the settings. This will ensure that when you stop at a certain frame physics don't bounce back but are set correctly. https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-physics-constraints#Deterministic
  • Select the bones you want to bake and start keying them in the animation. Start from the end of the animation and paste the last keys at the beginning if the animation is supposed to loop, so that it starts by having the correct physics.
  • Remove any constraint that is now unnecessary.

Hope it helps!

    Keying by starting at the last frame is important. If you start from the first frame, the new keys you set will change the pose from physics. Also if you already have existing keys on the bone, setting new keys even by starting at the last frame will change the animation (unless the existing keys are stepped).

    You can achieve baking this way, with the above caveats.

      Erika 太感谢了!!

      Nate 好的,我明白了

      Erika 好像目前不能取消旋转继承,否则骨骼会跑到天上

        yugutou Please ensure to begin the keying process from the end back to the beginning and not viceversa. If you go in order then the values will keep on increasing, producing undesired results.

        Erika 很抱歉关于我在“选择烘焙骨骼,为它们设置关键帧”这点上不是很明白,前面的操作我都可以理解并复刻,这个设置关键帧的意思是用快捷键“ctrl + L”为骨骼的所有属性打上关键帧?那这与不激活 Key Constrained 键有什么区别呢?

        Normally when setting a key, you are keying the "local transform", which is the local transform before constraints are applied. When Key Constrained is enabled, you are keying the "applied local transform", which is the local transform after constraints are applied.

        The applied local transform was recently explained here: