• Bugs
  • Switching image issue

  • Düzenlendi
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Hey guys, I have this issue with switching the images.

Lets say that I have two images of a tail straight and curve.

When I set up the curve tail in animation #1(walk) and then switch to animation #2 (run) and switch the tail to the straight one, and then go back to the animation #1(walk) the tail is straight instead of curved. How can I fix the issue so the image stays on it's animation? I mean I have done it before and worked perfectly fine, now with the new updates it doesn't work anymore.

Overall I also have issues with switching images in animation. Whichever image I picked last it stays through the whole animation, even when I set keys.


You need to set a key for the slot for each of the animations else it will switch back to the default slot used in your setup pose, when you switch animations. This has always been the case.