This is AMAZING!!! :clap: I was really used to using Mecanim for animations before transitioning to Spine. Fantastic work Mitch! I cannot wait to integrate this. Our Alpha version of our game is almost ready and I will definitely be using a lot of these features for our beta. :rock: I know I tell you all the time Mitch, but seriously nice work, thank you soooo much!
[Unity] Spine Unity Examples
I am having trouble removing the Spine runtime from Unity.
I baked the animations and dragged from the baked folder into my project.
Everything works fine, but when I remove the spine-unity folder, my animation disappears.
Any idea what's going on?
cdman yazdıHello,
I am having trouble removing the Spine runtime from Unity.
I baked the animations and dragged from the baked folder into my project.
Everything works fine, but when I remove the spine-unity folder, my animation disappears.
Any idea what's going on?
Did uhh... did you delete the Shader too?
Derp! That's exactly what happened.
Just had to move the shader out.
Thanks Mitch.
Mitch yazdıAdded tutorial on how to use the new Attributes recently added to the runtime to make life easier.
Hi Mitch, I'm receiving this error:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UnityEditor.Graphs.AnimationStateMachine.TransitionInspector.OnEnable () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Graphs/UnityEditor.Graphs/AnimationStateMachine/TransitionInspector.cs:74)
I installed the Spine's RunTime by the Unity installer you posted at the first post.
Another problem I'm facing, happens when I try to use the "AtlasRegionAttacher", which load the image of the attachment with half of its size, and rotated in 90º.
I fallowed all the steps of this setup:
aww. it doesn't work for message contents.
Imagine the abuse!
Each time a unity logo is displayed a kitten dies. So use with caution
Hi folks, I just bought Spine and so far it has been great! So congrats on the work so far!
I am using Spine with Unity and I am trying to find the best way to switch between animations. For example I have a shooting animation and when the shooting animation has been completed I want to return the character to either idle or running depending on its state upon completion of the shoot animation. I used to do this by adding animation events within Unity itself. Spine doesnt appear to have access to the animation panel within Unity just yet so what is the correct way for performing an action like how I am describing? I see that you can add events in Spine itself. Can these be used for what I describe? So I would add an event in Spine for when the shooting animation ends and then in Unity somewhere in my script I need to listen for that event? How is this done in C#?
I have seen this and I see code sample for adding a listener but I dont seem to be able to do the same thing within C# script. Can I see an example of how this is mean to be accomplished?
@glogic: You can definitely listen to OnAnimationComplete / End events from the Spine runtime, but you might be better off just using Mecanim if that's what you're used to:
You want to subscribe to yourSkeletonAnimation.state.Complete
If you don't know how C# delegates work and to subscribe in C#, look it up.
It basically looks like this:
yourSkeletonAnimation.state.Complete += YourHandleCompleteMethod;
It will pass parameters and stuff to your method that you'll find useful.
For more info on the difference between Complete
and End
, see the information linked below (eh?? Unity inside joke):
Thanks @clandestine and @[silindi]
These are both the answers I was looking for. I now have it both working with mecanim and using the spine delegates Now I just need to decide which way I want to go with for future work.
Thanks for quick replies
It's worth mentioning that the SpineAnimation way with delegates is more predictable as there can be weird things that happen with keys during mecanim blending.
Mitch yazdıIt's worth mentioning that the SpineAnimation way with delegates is more predictable as there can be weird things that happen with keys during mecanim blending.
What kind of weird things? Strange blending of some kind, or inconsistent clarity on the "end" of an animation state?
Nevermind I figured it out myself following this Unity forum thread ->
However if you have a better/simpler idea please let me know
Hello Mitch,
my name's Marco and I'm the founder and main programmer at Chestnut Games.
We are planning to buy Spine since it's an amazing piece of software and seems a great fit for our latest project, but we have one main concern regarding Spine and Unity 2D integration.
- How does Spine deal with Unity 2D sprites and sprite packer? While the sprite packer is not a must (even though it would be super great to have it work to keep our workflow consistent), our new game 2D engine heavily relies on sprite layers and orders.
We basically have a 2D/fake 3D environment and we change the sprites sorting order at runtime to make dynamic 2D objects to move back and forward other 2D sprites. Is this something we can easily achieve with Spine animated characters? I don't care about changing the internal hierarchy of the character itself, but it's very important that we can kinda set a general sorting order for the whole skeleton, so it can go behind a in front of other game objects as it moves in the world (it's a 2D world, so just X/Y without Z dimension). Hope I was clear.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Do'not work Spine on Unity5 (5.0.0f4)
I try this url
import to
Spine Trial/examples/hero/export
renamed this files.
Do'not work Spine on Unity5 (5.0.0f4)
and I try this forum
but i can’t.
please help me.
Hi Mitch, HTTPS desteği olmadığı için görsel kaldırıldı. | Yine de Göster
I'm running Unity 5.0.0b18 and Spine 2.1.25 but when I import the runtimes from here I get a whole bunch of errors when I try to run one of the example scenes
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong please?
Is there any way to REMOVE an attachment in code? I prob missed something in the videos, but just curious if anyone knows off hand. Thanks!
MarkB yazdıHi Mitch,
I'm running Unity 5.0.0b18 and Spine 2.1.25 but when I import the runtimes from here ... itypackage I get a whole bunch of errors when I try to run one of the example scenesHTTPS desteği olmadığı için görsel kaldırıldı. | Yine de Göster
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong please?
Looks like they changed how they did script updates... latest github repo (not hte unity package) shouldn't need to be API-updated for Unity 5. try doing a clean pull. I'll try and address this with a few other Unity 5 issues sometime today.
Hey Mitch,
Just wanted to say thanks for the tutorials. I just made a switch to unity from monogame and your tutorials and implementations are making my life so much easier.