I'm from Toronto, Canada. Currently living in Makati, Philippines and using Spine for shiny new things!
Spiners unite! Where are YOU living?
Was UK but recently moved to Vancouver, Canada
Kansas City, Missouri
Well, as seen in the linked thread in the first post, I am from Denmark - more specifically living in Aarhus I simply use Spine for my own small projects, both games and, well, what you see in the other thread
From India. Have been using Spine PRO for over a year now
Oo I missed this thread. I'm in the SF Bay Area in California
From Korea, but here is Japan. Using pro ver. ^^
Here, all alone in Brazil working as freelance in many projects since the first release of Spine.
I'm in London, United Kingdom, but will very likely be moving to the United States some time around April of 2015 (if everything goes well) I am trying out Spine with the trial version and playing around with it as of right now, but I fully intend on purchasing some time soon, I'm partially just trying to learn the interface and everything while I am also waiting in hopes that I might see the 'pro' version on a nice sale over the "Black Friday" event
I am primarily a 3d artist & animator but I am capable of Pixel Art and 2d animation as well... I used to do this kind of animation that Spine allows, but with Flash. I've not dabbled with it for some time, but so far I am enjoying my experience with Spine.
If there are any other Londoners around here, feel free to PM me
Patriick yazdı'pro' version on a nice sale over the "Black Friday" event
That would be nice
Michael yazdıPatriick yazdı'pro' version on a nice sale over the "Black Friday" event
That would be nice
I honestly didn't expect anything though to be honest but yes it would have been great!
- Düzenlendi
Colombia! atleast we're kinda close BlackCap. been animating for a decade but just gettting started with spine...fun but confusing =O
I'm from San Jose California; I've been using Spine for a year and a half.
Greenville, South Carolina. Love Spine - I've been using it for two or three months.
Brazilian Beginner here!
There are people from all around the world here!
Spaniard living in the UK!
I just have started to animate with Spine, although I have Spine since the beginning (first project backer!).
Cool stuff, Spine is :-) Even an impostor artist like myself can do something (visually) edible!