- Düzenlendi
Spine Runtime in a GPL code
I'm the creator of a game engine (http://te4.org/te4) which is GPL licenced; I'd love to include support for Spine (I've bought an essential licence for an other project of mine) but it seems to me the licence of the runtimes is very restrictive in that regard and prevents me from using it (and there's no way in hell I'm reimplementing it all ).
This would still mean people need to buy Spine to make animations for the engine anyway and would probably encourage a few to buy it so fro my POV I'd see it as a win for everybody but I may not be seeing all the possible problems, ..
So basically: can something be arranged ?
PS: I've tried to contact you by twitter & mail but I've yet to get any answer, I hope you dont mind me asking a third time, I know from experience sometimes we cant reply to all mails
Sorry for the delay, I know you've been trying to get an answer for a while. :sweat:
I make a lot of free software (libgdx, Kryo, KryoNet, etc) but, as you found, the Spine runtimes license requires a valid Spine license. It isn't be possible to release the Spine runtimes or derivatives under a GPL license, as that would discard the Spine runtimes license. The intent is to prevent competing tools from leveraging the Spine runtimes, which were developed for use with Spine.
This causes an issue with OSS and other software projects that don't want to be encumbered by the Spine runtimes license. The usual solution is to make the Spine runtimes portion of the software project an optional module/plugin/library which is licensed separately under the Spine runtimes license. You may even have users go and grab the Spine runtimes from the official GitHub repository themselves. Either way, this approach gives users of your game engine the choice to opt in to the Spine runtimes license if they want, while still allowing you to license the rest of your game engine how you like.
Thanks for the reply
I suppose I could do that yes.
And again congrats on Spine