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  • 2D Qute Plants Game

Nate yazdı

Wow, those are really amazing animations! :o

please I have got a problem

the feature “flip”?. I tried this in november last year. It couldn’t working correctly in game client(cocos2dX), but it works in Spine.
this feature is very important to me. The character “bamboo” , when he turn his body, i have to creat a whole set of opposite bones, that’s horrible.
is this feature still in progress or something eles? How can i make it working correctly or when?
hoping to get ansewes~ thank you very much~! :rofl:

Related Discussions
7 gün sonra

Those animations are awesome! I especially liked the main character, it's pretty silly. 😃

And as was said before, if you ever feel like showing how you actually did that, it would be much appreciated.

7 gün sonra

louiky, sorry I missed your message about flipping. Flip should work at runtime, what didn't work about it? There may be an issue with some IK setups. When Spine gets skewing scale the flipping will be better (instead of always using the world axis, it will use the bone's local axis).

4 gün sonra
Shiu yazdı

Are you using the latest cocos2d-x runtime from github ? https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... e-cocos2dx

thank you, but the program team said that there were thousands of errors when they used the latest runtime. because there are too many API be changed. So we have to use the old runtime as before.

Are there any other ways to batch change runtime or API or anyway? :sweat:

The API has not changed a whole lot, I would guess the thousands of errors are relatively easily fixed. Maybe you can post a few of the errors?

Besides moving to the latest runtimes, the only option is to have your developers back port the code for flipping from the latest runtimes to whatever runtimes they are using.

19 gün sonra

Absolutely love that watermelon! Bamboo the swordman attack animation looks great. Everything is high quality here.

Nate yazdı

The API has not changed a whole lot, I would guess the thousands of errors are relatively easily fixed. Maybe you can post a few of the errors?

Besides moving to the latest runtimes, the only option is to have your developers back port the code for flipping from the latest runtimes to whatever runtimes they are using.

This is what our program team said. I translated it ,can you read it? :p

"when the project load the spine file, the program load the json file at start, and saved, then load atlas file, and creat spSkeletonjson* . the function is

 pSkeletonData* spSkeletonJson_readSkeletonDataWithJson (spSkeletonJson* self, Json *root);

use this to creat spSkeletonData* ,then use the function:

  static SkeletonRenderer* createWithData (spSkeletonData* skeletonData, bool ownsSkeletonData = false);

creat skeletonAnimation.

but this function have been deleted now, we can’t use it, I don’t know why it can’t backwards compatibile when the API update"

You can use spSkeletonJson_readSkeletonDataWithJson then call this constructor:

I noticed SkeletonAnimation was missing the bool ownsSkeletonData so I've added it now.

using namespace spine;
spSkeletonData *skeletonData = ...
SkeletonAnimation *skeletonNode = SkeletonAnimation::createWithData(skeletonData, false);

You guys are passed awesome. I can't be more impressed! :clap: :yes: :rock:

3 ay sonra


bir yıl sonra

Would love to know how you did that fire animation! :happy:

Absolutely fantastic work. So much personality in these. Watermelon is amazing as to the Bamboo guy! Bravo!