• Editor
  • Stretching the keys on the timeline, possible?

Hey guys,
anyone know if it's possible to extend your animation along the dopesheet? For example a method similar to selecting the end frame and dragging to a further point resulting in your animation extending accordingly? Like scaling the timeframe with all points moving along uniformly. Is there something like this in spine?

Example: I have a 30 frame run cycle, but i need a 45 frame cycle. If I drag the last frame (30) to frame (45) the whole animation will readjust as best as it can to fill that time scale.

Thanks in advance

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Select all the key frames and drag them to 45

Thanks for the reply BinaryCats, unfortunately that doesn't have the desired effect. Just moving the key frames does only that, i'm looking to stretch the entire animation from 100% run time to 130%. My animation is made up of quite a few points that are offset, so i can't just shunt along key points unfortunately.
Was just wondering if this was a feature or not🙂

10 gün sonra

I could really do with this as well.

Complex animations have keys spread over the duration of the animation making manual time scaling of the animation incredibly painful.

This is a really basic tool in most animation packages, I'd love to see it in Spine.

Press shift....

The Shift command just moves all following frames as well as the frame you are currently moving. It helps a little but is a far cry from actual time scaling (especially if you want to time scale some bone frames and not others).

The JSON export/import came to the rescue though as I just wrote a small script to process the json and scale all keys I want scaled :-)

You know if you change the visibility of the bones you don't want to change (to off) they wont show in the dope sheet. So you can still select all (but your bones) and scale down.
just to make sure we are talking about the same thing:

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5 gün sonra

Not sure we are talking about the same thing :-)

I want a quick way, when given keys at:
0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
to scale them (by for example 1/4) to result in keys at:
0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

I don't want to move them one by one (there may be loads).

I didn't know about bone visiblity effecting the dope sheet - thanks! That will be useful elsewhere - but it doesn't really help with the scaling issue.

Anyway, my script solves it for me. Just would be nice in the editor.


I missed that you could grab the end of the selected time span and drag that to scale!

Thanks for the help BinaryCats and apologies for my slow uptake!


3 yıl sonra

Hi i have the answer... select all keyframes, only the top key frames, in in the right of the blue aquare, drag and expand to your timeline! and thats all, enjoy it. Phantom Studio

2 yıl sonra

what about version 4 of spine it totally disappeard from it

Hey @SaadFayyaz,
The blue square is still there, just hold the box selection for a second and it will appear, then you can expand the keys. The same functionality is in the Graph, but there you can also scale the box vertically to add or remove value.

4 ay sonra

Nice, thanks Sinisa!

Slightly different from previous version, but yeah it works in 4! When you select the top row of keyframes to re-time an animation, select all frames and hold, the box flashes blue after a short time, you can then adjust the box!

6 gün sonra

Hi @rubberbands @[silindi]

I am also not able to stretch the key frames in new version, can you please help me with that?

6 ay sonra

Scaling keys hasn't worked for months, on mac at least.

It used to work fine but disappeared after an update.

It's a huge pain to drag every column of keys individually when needing to shorten or lengthen an animation.

Hi @RareSloth,

Did you try to click+drag and hold a mouse for a second? The box selection should appear. Dopesheet view - Spine User Guide: Box selection
We made a box selection disappear when you release the mouse button quickly. This is due to the workflow for the users with the stylus. In the 4.1.10 beta you can choose to have this option on or off in your settings, depending on your work preferences. Let us know if it works.

2 ay sonra

Here's a gif. I have found no possible way to stretch / shrink. It used to work just fine. This is a major pain point, especially for animations with lots of keys.

Using M1 Monterey

You just have to let the box animation finish to make the box appear:

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If this behavior is undesirable you can turn it off in the Spine settings in v4.1